Novax | Branding and packaging
Client |Novax Renovadores de Couros Branding and packaging project made to leather care products.
Client |Novax Renovadores de Couros Branding and packaging project made to leather care products.
Cliente | A Tonal Chemical Solutions Branding redesign and standardization to a chemical product industry.
Client | Crazz Publicidade GCN Comunicação Creation, art direction and production for ‘Prize Show’ Campaign, 2011 to 2012 year edition.
Client | Crazz Agency Hotsite interface for the event ‘Expoagro’, 2012 edition. Partership with Matheus Xavier and programmed by Rafael Querino Moreira e Vinicius Taveira.
Cliente | Graphic Design Lab Franca University Série de trabalhos realizados em estágio voluntário para o Núcleo de Design Gráfico da Universidade de Franca.
Editorial Design Project.